Address: |
12944 SW 133 Court
Miami, FL 33186-5806 |
Phone: | 305-255-0011 |
Fax: | 305-255-0811 |
Email: | |
Map: | Click here for a more detail map to my office |
(The more detail map also provides detail door to door driving directions.)
View Larger Map |
My office is located
near the Miami Executive Airport (formally known as the Kendall Tamiami Executive
the NORTH:
Turnpike - Exit
SW 120 Street and make a right turn at the exit. (head west)
At SW 137 Avenue, also known as Lindgreen Road, make a left
turn (head south). Please see the directions for SW 137
Avenue from the North.
Expressway - Exit North Kendall Drive and make a right turn
at the exit. (head west) At SW 137 Avenue also known as
Lindgreen Road make a left turn (head south). Please see the
directions for SW 137 Avenue from the North.
SW 137 Avenue
from the North - At SW 128 Street make a left turn. (head
east) Proceed 3 streets and turn right at SW 133 Court. (head
south) At the 3rd driveway, turn right (west) and our office
is immediately on the left (south).
the SOUTH:
Turnpike - Exit
SW 152 Street and make a left turn. (head west) At SW 137
Avenue make a right hand turn. (head north) Please see the
directions for SW 137 Avenue from the South.
SW 137 Avenue
from the South - At SW 128 Street make a right turn. (head
east) Proceed 3 streets and turn right at SW 133 Court. (head
south) At the 3rd driveway, turn right (west) and our office
is immediately on the left (south).
I look forward to seeing you real